Njan scholten homeopathy and the elements pdf files

Jan scholten is a researcher and has discovered the classification of minerals and plants. Bestsellers, bestselling books, materia medica, new remedies. The fact that this series only has two elements is quite symbolic of its general theme. The foundation promotes homeopathy by the publication of books, organizing seminars, promoting research and supporting clinics. Jan scholten homoeopathy and the elements flint 280 magnesium lacticum 253 fluor 199 magnesium muriaticum 540, 545 fluoraturns 255, 269, 283. This 880 page materia medica of the elements of the periodic table is a seminal work that is must reading for anyone serious about homeopathy. Buy homoeopathy and minerals seventh edition by jan scholten isbn. The most outstanding and well known are on his discoveries of the elements of the periodic system. From the british homoeopathic journal volume 86, january 1997. Moreover, scholten has elaborated the mental dimension thoughts of remedies, so far for the chemical elements of the. More books on homeopathy, alternative medicine and a healthy life. Insights of the sensation in homeopathic mineral kingdom.

The element theory is an analysis of all the elements of the periodic table of mendelejev. Homeopathy and the elements by jan scholten quantity. I recall a lecture by paul herscu on the geography of the homeopathic world. In his book, homeopathy and minerals, jan scholten is our guide as we circle the globe climbing the mountain ranges of the homeopathic materia medica.

Hydrogen to helium being incarnating to be or not to be in this world. He has added many remedies to the homeopathic materia medica. The fact that this series only has two elements is quite. Jan scholten homeopathy and the elements pdf, by jan scholten. Homeopathie introductie algemeen cds en dvds kinderen casussen dieren. Homeopathy and the elements by jan scholten homeopathic.

This book is creating a revolution within homeopathy. The element theory is an analysis of all the elements of the periodic table of. With this theory, an analysis of the whole mineral kingdom became possible. Interhomeopathy periodic table, the 18 stages of the. On this globe, remedies are represented by land masses which correspond in size to the remedys relative size in the materia medica. Scholten goes beyond describing the cation ranges the calcareas, magnesias, natrums, kalis, etc. Jan scholten has given a brilliant start for an enormous enrichment of our materia medica, kees dam, simillima, 1993, no 2 homeopathy and the elements a standard work in homeopathy with this book. The psychosomatic dimension of homeopathy including cancer. The book starts with a 72page explanation of its essential ideas. The theme could be described as whether or not to incarnate in this world. Beryllium is known to cause a disease picture that is almost identical to. Element theory expert systemjan scholtenrepertory on elements. Scholtens element theory has transformed the way homeopaths can access. Element theory expert system by jan scholten, understand the periodic table in relation to homeopathy supported by books, element theory reference.